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Ebbe Silva
28 nov. 20192 min läsning
Sponsra en överviktig cyklist?
Vi söker cykelpartner inför 2020 och kollar cykelkulturen i Sverige. Vem skulle våga sponsra en överviktig cyklist? Affärer, märken,...
Ebbe Silva
31 okt. 20195 min läsning
PHAT TEST - Gel Touring Bibs by Aerotech Designs
Cycling bibs with pockets! Aerotech Designs brings to XLbikers the innovations other brands failed to provide in larger sizes. Cycling...
Ebbe Silva
20 okt. 20193 min läsning
Gravel is the new Road
Overweight? No problem! You're no longer bound to city bikes, mountain bikes, military bikes or the like! I still remember when my...
Ebbe Silva
4 okt. 20194 min läsning
PHAT TEST - Aerotech Designs Gravel Clothes
From America to all XLbikers worldwide - cycling gear that fits! Does it really? I first found out about Aerotech Designs while searching...
Ebbe Silva
16 juli 20196 min läsning
PHAT TEST- Redshift Shockstop Stem
Time to PHAT TEST an intriguing product which has turned many heads worldwide. New Bike Day feeling without having to buy a new bike! Too...
Ebbe Silva
15 juli 20192 min läsning
Motivation Monday
I'm sitting here with piles of things to do and it is raining cats and dogs outside... It's one of those days. You know you have to...
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