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XL Biking
28 nov. 20213 min läsning
TREK Roscoe 6. Phat Test. Does it work for larger riders?
The TREK Roscoe 6 is a fun and stable bike that really deserves a better fork. Does it work for large beginner riders?
XL Biking
27 apr. 20215 min läsning
PHAT TEST - Redshift Kitchen Sink Handlebar System.
Comfort has many names, and this system is one of them. Cycling doesn't have to be a torturing sport, and the people at Redshift know it!
XL Biking
12 mars 20214 min läsning
2021 partners - Medevi Sport. Best in our test!
Ett av Sveriges mest inkluderande företag är mer än produkterna det tillverkar! Möt dessa underbara människor som bryr sig om alla cyklister
XL Biking
12 mars 20215 min läsning
2021 partners - what does "Sigr" mean?
People of all shapes and sizes have the right to cycle in their own terms. But, when the cycling culture and cycling industry stubbornly...
XL Biking
12 mars 20213 min läsning
Why do we test products?
Fat cyclists, overweight people in general are still forgotten by great part of the cycling industry. When businesses lose touch with...
XL Biking
12 mars 20217 min läsning
TEST - Chamois Cream/ Byxsalva
Inget är (bokstavligen) mer irriterande när man cyklar än en bakdel som protesterar före, under och efter cykelturen! Man känner att...
XL Biking
12 mars 20215 min läsning
TEST - Gel Touring Bib by Aerotech Designs
Cycling bibs with pockets! Aerotech Designs brings to XLbikers the innovations other brands failed to provide in larger sizes. Cycling...
XL Biking
12 mars 20214 min läsning
TEST - Aerotech Designs Gravel Clothes
From the USA to all XLbikers worldwide - cycling gear that fits! Does it really? I first found out about Aerotech Designs while searching...
XL Biking
12 mars 20216 min läsning
TEST- Redshift Shockstop Stem
Time to PHAT TEST an intriguing product which has turned many heads. I've always complained about numb hands after my rides. I had tried...
XL Biking
12 mars 20215 min läsning
TEST - Cykelkläder för stora cyklister
Alla har inte Tour de France kroppar. Finns det stora storlekar? Håller de? Är de väldesignade och funktionsdugliga? Vi testar några...
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